Re-iceberg-isation Hexagonal Tubular Ice Arctic
In fact the change in sea ice is seen as one of the key global climate variables confirming model estimates of global scale warming of our planet through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process. Extensive investigations at the leading edge of Antarctic System Science have recently uncovered a number of surprises, many somewhat counterintuitive, each having significant consequences in the Arctic and through teleconnections to the rest of our planet.
In fact the change in sea ice is seen as one of the key global climate variables confirming model estimates of global scale warming of our planet through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process. Extensive investigations at the leading edge of Arctic System Science have recently uncovered a number of surprises, many somewhat counterintuitive, each having significant consequences in the Arctic and through teleconnections to the rest of our planet.
Basic need was brougth our concerns about the important Trees in Tropical Sites. The question stands on what if it will be happened in the cold area without tree. The need would be emerged the area’s context, how it would be arctic without ice? Re-iceberg-isation as a term to explain our understanding in paradox term of re-forestration of green to be iceberg recovery system.
The potential effects of Arctic regime shift ( or tipping points- when a natural system, such as the ice cap, undergoes a dramatic change) on the rest of the world are substantial, yet poorly understood. Human Driven climate change greatly increases the risk of Arctic regime shifts, so reducing global greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to reducing the risk. Shifts in Snow distribution that warm the ocean which alters the climate patterns as far as Asia. It could be affect the moonsoon.
Iceberg needs a year to be established and three years to be released as water again. In order to alter ice to be frozen immedietely, air turbins move actively to maintain the prospective ice in ideal temperature. Prior the water to be placed, reverse osmotic layers would be filter the water from salt to keep the purity of water in cut short the time efficiency of ice-making.
The decline trend of extent ice each year based on NASA’s picture presents the immediate call to recover Arctic. Restore substraction area with addition by filter-
osmotic - freeze the ice water. As if a submarine, balast tank relieve and get in water to sink by the time ‘the new baby ice born’ ready to be realesed and sticked on the other babies.
Based ideas was brought our concerns about the important Trees in Tropical Sites. The question stands on what if it will be happened in the cold area without tree. The need would be emerged the area’s context, how it would be Antarctic without ice? Re-iceberg-isation as a term to explain our understanding in paradox term of re-forestration of green to be iceberg recovery system. Uncanny idea for global impact.
Based on research, ice nowadays contains salt more and triggers to melt the ice. From that fact, the frezeer sets with osmotic layers inside the hexagonal ice cast to divide the pure water and salt water. Additionally, air moving tunnel surrounds the cast to press the cold temperature to freeze. While the water is accomadated, its cover on the top is closing to accelerate the water to be freeze. An ice berg will be released by Upnormal freezer each month with hexagonal shape in order to be puzzling with the further hexagonal ice. Six lines as if six hands to engage one ice berg to other icebergs. Considering a small tubular type to be produced with 25 meters ice and 5 meters thickness. The 2027 m3 of volume would contribute Arctic to reveal balance number that has been melted. Since the Upnormal Freezer is movable and adjustable prototype, future massive development would be high possibility as accountable ‘save earth agent’ in extending ice.
The main function as Ice Berg-maker could be develop comprehensively as Underwater Sightseeing, Research, Living Quarter and Antarctic Eco-Tourism.
Adapt submarine system as movable model engages to be flexible in all situation of weather. Bulb shape for bottom part to be dynamic with specific gravity of water. In normal activity, the Freezer stays floating in Arctic Sea. Sinking to underwater to store up prospective ice to be shaped in. While floating with the water inside the hexagonal cast, Reverse osmotic process is on-going to divide fresh water and salt water. The salt water with compressed amount will be turning out to filter area and throwing away through bottom valve to the sea – some of salt water will be flowing to crystallization salt development area. Upon completing desalinate process, top lid closes to enclosure the cold temperature. Within a month, new ice baby releases by sinking. By the time, repeating the storing water after going up to the surface, the Upnormal Freezer pushes the new baby ice to stick on other existing ice. Hexagonal shape has been considered as further production in extending ice area.

Faris RajakKotahatuhaha